9 Beach-Friendly Beauty Tips

JohanJK / iStock / thinkstock.com
Let’s be honest: sun, sand, and saltwater are not always conducive to your beauty regimen.
While magazines do a great job at depicting perfectly done up models frolicking on the beach, most of us will need to adjust our beauty routines (and expectations) for a day spent by the ocean.
The purpose of beach beauty is twofold: not only do you want to look good, but you also want to take a little preventative action to lessen the harsh effects from the sun and the sea. These tips will help you tackle two birds with one stone.
Lean Towards Natural
The “done up” look is terribly impractical for the beach. You want to look good, but you also want to have fun. Wiping up runny makeup and trying to preserve an elaborate hair-do is a sure way to ruin your day at the beach.
Instead, opt for a natural look that requires minimal product to maintain. Stick with your hair’s natural texture—it’ll help you avoid the getting-it-wet phobia.
Start With Your Skin
By now, you probably know that you should use SPF products each and every day—this is especially important when you’re going to be spending a day under the hot sun. Apply sunscreen before you hit the sand, and reapply consistently throughout the day. Don’t forget SPF lip balm, and remember to seek out shade whenever you can.
Stains—The Good Kind
The trick to long lasting makeup is to use stains. Swap out lipstick and glosses for a lip stain, and skip creams and powders for a gel cheek tint.
Easy Hair
For the 1% who are lucky enough to have perfect beach hair, simply bring a comb to detangle after a dip in the ocean. Let the sun do the rest of the work, and enjoy mermaid-worthy locks.
For those of us who aren’t so lucky, the three easiest ways to tame your hair are the classic topknot, a simple French braid or two, or twisting your hair back with bobby pins. Feel free to add a headband—it’s the ultimate easy summer accessory.
…and Don’t Forget to Protect it!
Create a defensive strategy against the drying effects of the salt and sand: fill a spray bottle with one part hair conditioner, one part water, and spritz your mane before you head out in the sun.
Keep the Raccoons at Bay
If you’re going to wear mascara, make sure that it’s waterproof! Most non-waterproof makeup will simply melt or wash off, but not mascara: regular mascara will leave dark streaks around your eyes that are just about impossible to scrub off. Find a brand of waterproof mascara that you like, and keep it close!
Let Your Nails Take the Spotlight
Of all the elements in your beauty routine, your manicure is the most likely to survive a day at the beach in tact. Go light on the hair and makeup, and go wild with your nails. Bust out the fun, tropical colors on your hands and feet.
Pack Some Wipes
If you’ll be heading anywhere straight from the beach, don’t forget to pack along some cleansing wipes to mop up the layers of sunscreen, salt and dirt that have accumulated throughout the day. It’ll leave you feeling refreshed, and will provide a blank canvas for a quick touch up.
Moisturize Like Mad
Once you’ve returned home and showered, go crazy with the moisturizer! Use a rich body butter to rehydrate your skin (don’t forget your feet and hands, which have had plenty of contact with drying sand) and give your hair a deep conditioning treatment.