Best Beach Games

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Ladder Golf, Kubb, Twister… this ain’t your typical ball toss. Beach games are the perfect way to spend the day engaged in a little healthy competition with friends all while working up an appetite for your post-beach BBQ. Here’s roundup of some of the best beach games out there.
Twister Beach Towel
Guaranteed to get any beach party started on the right (or left) foot, Twister Beach Towel is a new spin on an old classic that’s perfect for all ages. The game board rolls up to fit perfectly in your beach bag and the counters are waterproof, making this an ideal addition to any ocean-side celebration.
Ladder Golf
The aim of this game is to successfully wrap your bolas (2 golf balls connected by a piece of rope) around the steps of a ladder. Sound easy? Not so much. Played in pairs or with teams, this game can get very competitive, very quickly. Official game etiquette dictates that opposing players should make as much noise as possible in order to distract their opponents so make sure you’re on a big beach… things could get very loud.
Kubb aka Viking Chess, is a relatively simple game that has players throwing wooden batons at wooden blocks with the ultimate goal of trying to knock them all down. When all of the opposing team’s blocks have been tipped, players move on to knock over the game’s king, which holds court at the centre of the playing field. Kubb requires strategy, especially when being played on sand, and a single game can last upwards of an hour. Fancy yourself a Kubb pro? There’s a world championship held annually in Gotland, Sweden.
Typically reserved for manicured lawns, Bocce is a fun, portable game that will bring out the competitive nature in even the most laid-back types. The rules are simple- just throw a centre marker out onto the playing surface and then take turns attempting to have their Bocce balls land closest. The length of the games depend on the skills of the players and rematches are always encouraged. An excellent, low impact option for those with great aim.
Beach Ultimate
The rules to Beach Ultimate are lengthy so in the interest of keeping things brief, just know that this is a great game to play if you’ve got enough players to make teams and are willing to work up a sweat. Head to the Beach Ultimate Lover’s Association website to brush up on the how-to and start practicing your toss. Before you know it, you’ll be an old pro!
Sand Castle Competitions
While sand castles aren’t necessarily a strenuous activity, they’re an excellent way to spend a sunny day by the sea, all while nurturing the Jean Nouvel within. In order to keep things interesting, set a theme and impose a time limit, forcing builders to strategize and engage in a little bit of healthy competition. For some inspiration, browse the gallery of Hampton Beach’s annual contest’s past winners and get prepared to be amazed.