7 Tips For Designing A Sunroom
Summer is wonderful, but sometimes you probably want to enjoy the sunshine without turning into a tomato or bathing in your own sweat. That’s where a sunroom could come in handy. You can enjoy the rays, read a book or converse with family while the protective glass windows protect you from the sweltering heat.
If you’ve never designed a sunroom for your home, here are a few tips to get you started.
Stick With Bright Colors
Dark colors draw in heat, so a sunroom spattered with blacks, browns or navy blues can feel like an oven on a sweltering summer day. Avoid a hot tushy by opting for lighter colors like green, yellow or white for your cushions. Not only will it save your skin but it’ll also give it a more outdoorsy feel.
Choose Wood Over Plastic
A common misstep some homeowners makes when designing a sunroom is opting for outdoor furniture over indoor. You’re still in an enclosed environment in your house, just with more windows, so using patio furniture can look tacky. Go with a classier wood selection for your furniture over plastic lawn chairs and umbrella-covered glass tables.
Spruce It Up
Don’t be afraid to add decorations to your design! A lot of sunrooms end up looking bare because they contain only the bare essentials. Hang drapes, add lighting for nighttime enjoyment and feel free to hang paintings on the glass walls if you so desire. Adding plants can even help bring the outdoors, in.
Develop A Theme
Just because you live in the woods doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the beach. Develop a theme for your sunroom that suits your interests, whether it’s Pirates of the Caribbean or something closer to Death Valley. The wonderful thing about a sunroom is that it doesn’t necessarily have to match its surroundings, nor the rest of your home. It’s a unique addition usually separated from the design of the rest of the house, so get creative.
Add a Bar
Even if you’re not a drinker, a bar is a great addition to any sunroom. It can be used to concoct and distribute any type of beverage to your friends and family during a get together. It’ll save you the hassle of having to go back and forth between the kitchen and there are some available that’ll go along with the rest of your furniture. You need anything extravagant, unless that’s what you want.
Avoid Soft Floors
While the sunroom will get a lot of use during the summer months, you might be inclined to enjoy it all year long. To help trap heat during the winter you’ll want floors that will collect it throughout the day like stone and tile, rather than carpet. Avoid carpet whenever possible when designing a sunroom, unless you plan on installing a heat source such a fireplace.
Add Interior And Exterior Finishes
To add curb appeal to your home you might consider designing something more suitable than giant glass box on the side of your house. Instead, add interior and exterior finishes that match the design of the rest of your home. As much as you might like to let your creativity run wild, remember that you might have to sell the house someday and a bare or oddly colored sunroom could be an eyesore that brings down the value.